COMPANY INFORMATION Contact person (Full name) Job Title Email Address Company name Website Headquarters Country Type of Organisation Type of Organisation Freelance Private Company Public Company Research or Technoly Center University Non-for-profit Foundation Other Organisation size Organisation size Micro (less than 10 employees and less or equal than 2M€ turnover) Small (less than 50 employees and less or equal than 10M€ turnover) Medium (less than 250 employees and less or equal than 50M€ turnover) Large Market Presence Market Presence National European International Category of your solution for CRANE Category of your solution for CRANE Open platform for data management Virtual data lake Self-management of chronic conditions Medical devices & apps Social-community and individual services related to tele-rehabilitation Follow-up and motivation of patients Other Expertise, products and services contributing to CRANE’s objectives Are you willing to promote and/or coordinate a Consortium for the CRANE tender? Are you willing to promote and/or coordinate a Consortium for the CRANE tender? Yes No Type of companies, solutions and expertise sought from other potential partners Are you willing to share further information under a Non-Disclosure Agreement? Are you willing to share further information under a Non-Disclosure Agreement? Yes No Please upload any presentation you would like to make public in CRANE matchmaking tool Accepted file types: mid, midi. Max. file size: 15 MB If you would like to link to any corporate video please introduce the link to it I agree to the processing of my data for the management and processing of this application. 14 + 4 = Send