Naeva Tec
We are video delivery and processing experts, we are cofounders of 2 OpenSource video technologies Kurento and OpenVidu. Kurento is a media server that simplifies the development of applications that use webRTC or other technologies to gather video and audio and can process in custom made filters and can distribute it. OpenVidu simplifies the creation customized videoconference application, it is possible to enhance OpenVidu to make use of the processing capabilities of Kurento. How can this be of help in remote follow-up and remote self-care? – when using self hosted videoconferences the privacy in the communications is easier to grant, and customized interface specifically designed for the target group of users will make the end users to be more confortable in its use (bigger buttons, simplified options, etc…) – Provide the user with monitorised exercises with a filter that can follow and detect their movements, this can be even unattended and then the videos can be reviewed by an expert. We can provide our expertise in video delivery and processing, to find the most advanced and most suitable technologies for specific use cases. We are also experts in designing, developing and validating custom made software. With experience in multiple European projects (FIWARE, FI-core, FI-next, ElasTest, etc.)
Type of expertise/capacity sought:
We are looking for a consortium with knowledge in the specific objective as our expertise is very horizontal and technology focused and whereas we have previously worked in e-health projects with Spanish organisations our value is regarding the technology itself.
Organisation details:
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