CRANE is an H2020 PRE-COMMERCIAL PROCUREMENT European project that aims to develop an integrated self-management model to improve chronic patient’s wellbeing through the European Health Data Space concept implementation
Phase 3 Awards Decision

CRANE Phase 3 award decision for phase 3 has been made public on the 22nd of November 2024. The award decision and protocol report can be found below.
Phase 2 Awards Decision

CRANE Phase 2 award decision for phase 2 has been made public on the 10th of July 2023. The award decision and protocol report can be found below.
Tender Results (Phase 1)

CRANE Tender results have been published on the 23rd of January 2023. The award decision and protocol report can be found below.
Crane Tender Published

On the 5th of September 2022 CRANE Tender has been published. It has remained open until the 7th of November 2022 23.59 CET. The call for Tender is closed.
Crane at glance
Crane in brief

CRANE will exploit the potential of health related data and procure the design of an all-in-one value-based service to create an integrated care model to improve chronic patient’s wellbeing through the implementation of the European Health Data Space concept.

Three buyer public health organizations supported by Four highly experienced expert entities will look after the success of CRANE during the project execution.

Main Dates
The kick-off of the project was the 1st of June 2021 and It will last until the 31st May 2026. The OMC was launched in April 2022 and ended in June 2022, being followed by the tender publication in September 2022. Selected projects started CRANE Phase 1 in January 2023 while Phase 2 has been kickstarted in September 2023 with three projects.

Pre-commercial Procurements
iCRANE launched its Call for Tenders in September 2022. In Phase 1 it invited 5 projects with 50,000€ budget each for the development of a feasibility study. In Phase 2 each of the Three selected proposals from Phase 1 will get 500,000€ to develop a Prototype. Finally in Phase 3 Two suppliers will be selected with 1,45M€ for a Field Testing.

Before launching our Call for Tenders, CRANE got together with industry and stakeholders for ensuring that there is sufficient understanding of the needs of CRANE, that our approach was in scope of the industry capacities and that we had managed to gather sufficient critical mass of bidders for delivering high quality results.

CRANE will make a direct impact on patients with chronic conditions or at risk of it, health and social care systems, local supply chains and industry. Chronic patients in rural areas will have access to self-management to improve their wellbeing. The health and social care systems will optimize their resources and increase their capacity. Local supply chains will have access to innovative production and the European industry will be able to boost its solutions and join forces with the -difficult to access- public sector.
Concept-Building Blocks

PCP Process

Stay tuned
More CRANE related Tenders
Data Spaces are gaining mometum all across Europe, with many ongoing research and related deployment activities. In this news we highlight two public tenders related to CRANE concept. 45M€ for Health Data Lake Services Spain is opening, in short time, a public tender...
CRANE Phase 2 Kick Offs
CRANE Phase 1 concluded in Abril 2023. During an intense period of 4 months, the five selected projects (dHSDI, Data for Care, MyRuralHealth, Habeats and Antigone) strived and hard worked with the contracting regions in the co-design of CRANE solution. The outcome of...
Details from CRANE tender awardees
After a rigorous assessment period, the CRANE team finally announced on the 23rd of January the 5 selected bids out of the 21 proposals received during its tender process. Our awardees comprehend and fully embrace the CRANE vision. They will assist us to develop an...
Project status

PHASE 0: Stakeholder engagement and PCP preparation
PHASE 1: Design and monitoring
PHASE 2: Development